I have crashed the laptop on which I had done most of my work on St. Denys, whose primary intent had been to write a redaction-study monograph for my University of Louisville. The gist of the monograph was to use stylometry/statistical-linguistics which in result-- in confirmation of work by Bernard Brons-- was to demonstrate plural authorship or editor-ship in the Corpus Dionysiacum. This work had been months in preparation, with mainstay statistic being the odds-ratio for the various putative contributions of the CD, along with computation of confidence-intervals pertaining.
Such an exoticum in text would as noted here for this blog have limited readership, a matter of wee import to the project overall. As I can and will, I do think my findings at hand are significant-enough to publish, via this medium as barely acceptable, but willdo-nonetheless.
The gist of my findings would be that the "Mystical Theology" of the CD-- an unquestioned text for authenticity so-far, compares well to the style of the first five Epistles in Denys; the evident most-esteemedly-authentic of the "Divine Names," while perhaps showing some evidence of verbal-padding and other editing for the sake of Orthodoxy, is next-best by comparison to the MT; the "Celestial Hierarchy," albeit while showing more phatic/assertive theology than the apophasis of the MT and main-DN and the Epistles 1-5 for which Denys is mainly known and regarded, indeed DOES show signs of being in the same style as MT.
I now write from an Android Tablet; everything about typing and other usuals of blogging are handicapped to a great extent. Nevertheless, I have at-hand-here what would seem to be the only way in the catastrophic situation of world-pandemic, to tell all, tell the world about my findings, in the best way I can.
Apologies that what-few readers may ever glance upon this work, with my only defense being that I publish first my results, which are sound, before some plagarist gets an idea to cheat away my good results, claiming them for his/her own.