What I notice here/now is in St. Denys a dys between the off-beat (PLEEMMELEES) and on-beat (HARMONIA) <to use this Padre's own words; the off-beat would have to include inter alia the perp's academic forgery; the category self-generalted PLEEMMELEES needs as well to count the number of matters with which the Wholly Man Denys takes issue, finds disagreement. This latter part of the first-mentioned category the-off-beat would include the very way Denys alludes to the Neoplatonists without quoting them, and the way he quotes the "Oracles" (Scripture in the Judeo-Christian tradition) often with great "bending" of terms and "cherry picking" of examples Biblical which would speak to Platonic ideas.
This would include his "hots" for Eroos in over-use than the word Agapee, PRIOR TO WHICH TIME (evidently the 5th century C.E.) THIS WAS TOTALLY NOCHRISTIAN USE, but according to Andrew Louth the ilk of terminology in Plato's SYMPOSIUM. Also "drunkenness" (METHEE) in Denys is a virtue EKSTASIS (which then and now had strong semantics in the domain of "psychosis); and, subsequently, there is some positive evaluation for God and for Disciple in the common sequel to stone-cold-drunkenness, i.e. hang-over (KRAIPULA). . . positive evaluations which in the 5th century of our Era and now 21st century would beckon disfavor and if favored, well qualified favor, or more-likely, dilution.
He proffers mercy-- especially to Pagans with whom the Christians found disagreement-- he chides clerics who "excommunicate" sinners bold enough to seek the Synactic Eucharist-- he disputes with thoses "Christian Positivists" who find literal, not hinted at the transcendental, the Magisteria of Dogmatics and Scripture (and in this is saying what could apply to all who hold Dogma, "The-Revelations" as closed system); he seems completely apophatic toward the Infinities in God as per these hints to which I refer, EXCEPT in the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy which dotes on the finitudes of imputed Blessings of Church and Religious Office and Its Rites. . . which are indeed KATAPHATIC in mention directly from what Denys says.
For harmonies in Denys, we have the uninterrupted praise-ecstatic of the "Uber-ness" of Godhead, WOW WOW WOW; except for the sticky Positivism of the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy this goes on a n d o n a n d o n; if, when I was a clinical social worker I would guess him to be expressing "overvalued ideas," that is, ideation which keeps repitition with no notice on the utterer's part that such ideation is pathological; THIS SPEAKS TO AN OBSESSIVE PERSONALITY, AT THE CORE OF WHICH PERSON IS ANGST. This obsessive-compulsive tendency is as well noticeable in the great precision with which Biblical arguments are used to express latent-- or overarching-- Platonism.
Of WHAT would this FORM (HARMONIA) be a result? If we can guess by the several "hot buttons" presented, and as well the "hot buttons" of the time, we may conjecture that there may have been in Denys an agitation that by the Magisteria the Church (especially in the East) was wronging, was doing more wrong than Good. The Chalcedonian versus the Monophysite controversies in Denys are "ducked" largely, with both sides in the controversy citing Denys as authoritative (and sometimes as heretical or "bastardly" (NOTHOTIKOS) of no authority). Denys seems to be well-connected to have access as Churchman to the Scriptures (this would not be an easy accomplishment as documents were rarities, and as the Fathers jealously guarded THEIR Biblicism), and of Denys' obvious esteem and access to Platonic works as well. . . hidden from mention because-- as is known to us-- Caesar Justinian had outlawed schools and any teaching of Platonism.
Then this would be the obsessive-compulsion of whom's what would be called now a "moderate liberal," who finds The-Transcendent to be somewhat for which to get ecstatic, to the point of drunken joy, and while I am still puzzled about how to "get hard" (EROOTIKOS) for what for-me is always a LIE, my merriment also considers God's-- and Disciples'-- "hangover" resulting-- an off-beat-in-the-on-beat of Form into which and about which this Subject Denys feels strongly enough to utter a forgery claiming these hetero-doxies as Ortho and Apostolic. I guess Denys felt secure about The-Lie, and indeed (with the help of some quirks in French hagiography about a Denys First Bishop of Paris, from Greece) the forgery lasted numbers of centuries, and is still "good reading" though well-acknowledged to be "bastardly lie" in origin.
Yet comes the point where my own "religiosity" butts into Denys=> to an exaltation, to a True-Belief time, my religious experiences are LIES, and always some Godly Puncture of my ecstasies "gets me right that I am wrong." My puncture is Barthes' PUNCTUM; it is Denys' PLEEMELEES, the off-beat which becomes the "heartbeat" of Denys' ROUTINIZATION OF CHARISMA the-hamony of FORM as Blissed Drunken Hungover OVERVALUED IDEAL "MADNESS." Denys wants to bring this ecstasy about in something of the same way as the Mystery Religions prior and in Proclus or even a little later than the Mysteries in Gnosticism=> indeed one noticeable observation about the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy is that he with other "insiders" has Spirit that should only be expressed to "Catecumens" in corny pictographic (?pornographically-literal?) symbols, WHICH THE ENLIGHTENED HAVE TRANSCENDED AND MAY EXCLUDE OUTSIDERS. Yet for-me, again, the Spirt of Discomfiture of Mysticism, by problem-solving, critcally-thought pursuit until finding me at Naked Truth, the truth naked before me, the Truth-that-I-am-Naked ends the Spirit jailed
and whimpering "I have sinned against The Holy Ghost!"
. . . So are the differences 'twist St. Denys and my-me!
vernonlynn stephens sissy UofLouisville
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