The goal would be to deterimine (in studies of DA/CD) just how the "hints of Divine Names" relate to a God of Infinities (Being, Power, Time, Knowlege). Dionysius says that reason and such usual vocabularies as in the "Oracles" (Bible ?for instance?); there has been a sudden sense of non-sequitur with me around mental associations on these topics, in this form/fashion=> there has never been a time in my rather long life that an "infinity" has ever been much more than a math curioso. . .there has never been a "thrill" like "intoxication" or "ecstasy" associated with a glance-- never a deep psychological seeing-- of such matters as I go about, rather between sanities and insanities back to jerry-rigged sanities for I have known both intoxication and here ecstasies, but nothing in connection with The-Infinite. The Infinite-- Dionysius tells us-- cannot be known rationally. That opens a crevice for hint that "the irrational" provides access to a Big Number Who also as Big Wheel may be Super-Rational (whatever that means). Still, I get infinitessmal (reciprocal of Infinity-size) arousal about these matters, being "irrational" is for-me an awareness after what the Great Notion of madness has ruined me, once again. In short irrationality is-- at top of mind-- something that always has an malodor of personal compromise to me. Oddly though, the experience of Hyperousia that I read in Dionysius s o u n d s like a manic "high." Is there a MYSTERIUM TREMENDUM ET FASCINENS here? If so, it would seem to be of the "good feelings type," not the "terrible" DEINOTEES that is the negative archetype presented in the first Chorus of ANTIGONE Or-- as far as that goes-- much found in the Septuagint for "riveting experiences." For me, the ecstasies are always DEINOS in the end; the really-good-feeling has "God's hangover" (cf Ninth Epistle CD, Migne Section/Page 1111C) whose sequel then is my-hangover too, always with the sense of failure, and that ecstasy-is-most-inconvenient. In short, I fear ecstasy; it is more like what Heidegger describes after and in analysis of the referenced-above Antigone Chorus as "terrible," "UNHEIMLICHE," and then "violent" to the Polis-- the human community and its "normality" (whatever illusion that might be!) The Uperousia, Transcendence-Glad of which DA speaks, and also Gabriel Marcel in THE-MYSTERY-OF-BEING 1. . . is to me a real experience whose archetype f e e l s poitive but is actually an opposite, almost absolutely negative "hangover" un-godly. nonetheless, I think all these savants-- Dionysius, Rudolf Otto, Freud, Heidegger, and Marcel are complexly pointing to the same experience of the irrational, that is a not-rational allurement the "gasoline" of human being beyond human ordinances, arguments, dictionaries. The time of Questioning-- recommended by Nazi Heidegger-- has come=> how do I find a Unity, any unity let me utter, in these seemingly disparate signs, portents, omens? How indeed? vernonlynn stephens sissy P.S. 'Looks like I have some "hard chawing" to do!!
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
how the "hints of Divine Names" relate to a God of Infinities
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