Friday, July 26, 2019

interlibrary loan book INDICES-PSEUDO-DIONYSIANI

A remarkable interlibrary loan book INDICES-PSEUDO-DIONYSIANI arrived here (I am seated in the main computer section of Ekstrom Library now); this is a remarkable book indeed, seeming to be the equivalent of a STRONG'S-EXHAUSTIVE-CONCORDANCE for the rare and some-may-say-dry topic of the CORPUS-DIONYSIACUM; this work published in 1941-- right-in-the-midst-of-Nazi-occupation @ University of Louvain (in France, I think perhaps a school in Paris-- NEED TO CHECK!) by a Jesuit, Albertus van den Daele. Whe have (in Ur-journalistic terms the WHO WHAT WHERE) in partial analysis (BUT obviously this post-WW2-Boomer wants the REAL-PUNCTUM (in Barthes' semiotic terms) could I find something way far off sometime the HOW WHY to get to what "inquiring readers want to know" (the National Enquirer's former one-liner-advertisment, with some academic reality for me tee hee!)

At any rate, with just opening the INDICES . . . I note that a word I was hoping to find in DA/CD is there=> DEINOS in like Divine-Names, Celestial-Hierarchy, and Epistles; the pagination is strictly according to the Migne volume of PATROLOGIA-GRAECAE (? #4, is-it?) which is at my attention at home and in the plenty-OK Leibheim translation (Paulist-Press); DEINOS is exactly the term used in the salient Chorus in ANTIGONE (Sophocles) to describe the "strangeness of hu-man" and my associational-mental-connection with Dana Amir's case-study-in-psychoanalysis use of PUNCTUM. . .

There is a "voice" in me, not so much an hallucination as a could-be connection-mental, to bring into my mix-- all from social science VERSTEHEN HERMENEUTIK case-study interpretation of my DA/CD topic, the "interpersonalism" of Gabriel Marcel as the "human appeal" PUNCTUM as the stranger-than-fiction reality which is the mystery of all personality (let's include the "pets" and "wild-animals too here) that gets-- connecting to Max Weber's"routinization of charisma"; the dis-connect or say dys-connect PUNCTI in persons-- the part inscrutable and yet unspoken "in polite society" must now be reached in seeking-out of DA/CD, and that "grabber" whatever it seems to be-- a perhaps "naughty-nauughty neo-doxy baptized and confirmed by DA into subsequent Christianity" this seems to be an EROTIC/EROTIKOS that DA-SEIN, IS-THERE and that SEIN ZUM TOD will I perhaps in following these many trails


vernonlynn stephens sissy

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