Friday, July 26, 2019

UNHEIMLICH-- with Freud providing some "background light" for this "picture"

On the bus over here, reflecting about the disconnect I can tell between the Dionysian/Marcelian Transcendental-Ecstatics vs the Heideggerian/Barthesian punctured UNHEIMLICH-- with Freud providing some "background light" for this "picture" AND by extrapolation my own scrapes with ecstasy (the next-higher manic state from euphoria) and my resulting sense of God-given-hangover-resulting. . .

It occurred to me that a systems-concept of dysequilibrium and return to equilibrium; I think Karl Menninger writes of these factors in THE-VITAL-BALANCE; the state of business-as-usual "politics" created by what-- I must admit "feels right"-- hangover from God, rather on the wisdom I heard Alex Haley of ROOTS uttered at Bellarmine College, "The Lord does not come when you expect Him(??? Her?) but He (?) will ALWAYS BE ON TIME!" For me, equilibrium and emancipation from luridly Siren mania always feels like "puncture"/PUNCTUM from an outside-- the common denominator of status quo common sense (whatever I repeat that means!)

These do not appear to be the "optics" for Transcendence of Dionysius and Marcel; somehow if we take a corny interpretation of DAS-HEILIGE (Otto) as feel-good, then this is a not-mine-lesson. . .

On the other hand, in what I feel in-me as Real MYSTERIUM TREMENDUM ET FASCINENS will not be whatever I feel about the irrational, Aleph-Cantor-defined Transfinite, but another raw cut experience, likewise in its own way not definable or rational, but a RIGHT-HERE not OUT-THERE condition that-- like the Unmoved Mover of the classical philosophers (ilk of Plato and Plato-interpretings-from-Aristotle)-- but a movement that gases-up an energy which spins outward, and like any baseball or arrow shot-up, to come down to the Rest and Stability of that provision of Equilibrium which this OIKOS/HEIM Earth almost-- excepting space-rockets-- stays a Return.

If I reach into Dionysius where this return is in any way acknowledged, then perhaps I can see The-One-Beautiful-Good as OK, perhaps relevant to my me; I am scared and should be scared DEINOS ANGST of feeling as though I got sometime a Beatific-Vision, as inevitably this is only the product of a LYING SPIRIT (cf. 1 Kings 22.20-23; 2 Chronicles 18:21-22). The Lying-Spirit/RUACH-SHEQR must be trued in (to what degree, "God-caused"?) falsie, prophecy-called-truth-turned-Whopper.

I do not think-- all in all-- and for the time being-- that Dionysius is ever very worried about return to reason/common-sense; instead he seems to regard the reasonable-types at home are not able to experience God, which to him DA is ALWAYS A WHIZ. . .

But I have the "Indices Pseudo-Dionysiani" and "hangover" is therein CD like four times; DA does not want us to claim that God Beautiful God has hangovers-- as only nice superlatives apply to Godhead-- but WE "read" hangover experiences, perhaps a sequela of the ecstatic experience. THAT FITS! IT ALSO FITS MARCEL'S TRANSCENDENCE UPEROUSIA WHICH ALWAYS IS INTER-PERSONAL; THE UNHEIMLICH OF FREUD AND HEIDEGGER (EINFUERUNG-IN-DIE-METAPHYSIK); THESE SEEM TO BE POLES OF AN ARCHETYPE-WITH-ANTITYPE THAT GO TOGETHER TO THE OIKOTEES HEIMLICH HOME-PLATE TO WHICH "SENSE" IN THE VARIOUS SEMANTIC-DOMAINS RETURNS=> OR ELSE GOES TO "OUTER SPACE" (NO HEAVEN!) WHERE THERE IS AT-END "WEEPING AND GNASHING OF TEETH," (weeping and gnashing of teeth" (in the original Greek HO KALUTHMOS KAI HO BRUGMOS TOON HO, LUKE 13.28) WITH NO RETURN. A no-return in my rooted embedded "psy-CHI-try" (hillbilly argot, mine) would be a "burnt out case," the indeed DEINOS/DEINOTEES which sometimes-- and now before-my-eyes-- occurs. In terms of what Dionysius is trying to say, the "drunkeness, feeling-"plastered" of ecstasy is OURS, not the "EQUILIBRIUM'S" status, but it is remarkable, given all Dionysius' crowing, that he does mention that there can be "hangover" from even Godly/godly "going on a drunk."


vernonlynn stephens sissy

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