Tuesday, July 30, 2019



What once was near-total admiration of St. Denys has turned somewhat, for the ecstatics he esteems are none of mine, none of my thrills, and none of what appears to be his social position. . . He has knowledge of the Bible-- OT and NT and Apostolic Father writs-- that rivals mine; he must have been in that nanoscopic clique of people with access to the scriptures that would put him in the uttermost high elite, probably the elite of the monkly Fathers; the ECCLESIASTICAL HIERARCHY  I S  "positive theololgy," with apophatic (negative) theology as a kind of mooning about a God whom Dennys tells us is hinted-at in the CELESTIAL (and ECCLESIASTICAL) Chain of Being; this mooning he says is like drunkenness (and hangover). This is an "insider's view"=> peons and catecumens KEEP OUT. . . From this, I have more a sense of alienation than endearment, yet

This is MY sense of shock, it is, in fine, a kind of culture-shock FOR I AM PROUDEST THAT I AM WITH THE BOTTOM DREGS DROPOUTS HAVE-NOTS, THE WHITE-TRASH all mixed with the Black (of whom one no longer daresay "trash" after the Black). The elites bother me, and Denys speaks with no other voice of station than as what Bernie Sanders calls "the 1%" meaning that the democratic value we can usually have as Americans and little-d democrats have of putting "the people, the wee-people" at the top of the social and inverted pyramid IS NOT PRESENT in Denys.

In this vein, I now see that what Roland Barthes calls "Punctum" is identical to (in this case, his) culture-shock. I may have my very own or very underclass American culture-shocks, which reveal more of my value systems than this forger Church Padre. . . or the community of "Intertexualists" really beneath this text, and all the other co-texts uttered by these who would claim to be the Convert Dionysius Areopagite storied in Acts 17.. . I l have a good number of these "extra-corporal" inserters to the Corpus Dionysiacum, and while I am aware that THIS IS COMMUNITY WRITING OF THE SORT COMMON TO ANCIENT AND HELLENISTIC AND PATRISTIC TIMES, the "Real Dionysius" of the CD is not-- per se-- a person that would do more in the way of sympathetic understanding, PERSONALLY than annoy-- it has to be the case that my

CULTURE SHOCK only means that I am oblique, culturally, to the WELTANSCHAUNG of Denys and all-the-Denyses which but and only affords me to QUESTION ther QUESTION (to use the phrase of R. G. Collingwood) WHICH BELIES THE TEXT WHICH ANSWER FOR THESE VARIOUS DENYSesn pose, supposedly for my belief a priori of criticism in any case. . . for all these imposters. My questioning "null hypothesis/hypotheses" likely are just few of all the potential nulls that TOTAL AND FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONING could bring to bear on these topics, all fraudulent by modern academic standards, but which seem to have been persuasive to "someones" along the paths of cultural preservation.

My "slice" of ongoing perceptions about the "process in the Black Box" that comes to me given this varigation of plural Denyses and the "one" presumably beneath the one who took Proclus-- not at Proclus' word-- but as Denys' word-insertion, and on and on editorially ever after. My hypotheses-- I repeat-- are just some of the postulates that could be asked, AND I AM NOT NOW WELL-DISPOSED TO PROFFER OR SEEK ALL OF THEM ;-).


vernonlynn stephens sissy

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